We help our clients to create and maintain high-performing teams and organizations!
What We Can Do For You

Team Performance Development
We apply our worldwide knowledge and experience with 4,000 teams to deliver a 22% measurable and sustainable performance improvement, measured over 14 Team Performance Indicators, within 6 to 12 months.

21st Century Leadership Development
We deliver transformational, neuroscience based, leadership development to prep your leadership team(s) for 21st Century Leadership.

Performance Measurement Tooling for Teams- and Leadership Development
Our performance measurement suite supports your team and/or leadership development and consists of the Team Diagnostic assessment, Team 360 Stakeholder assessment, Team Leader View, Leadership Circle Profile, Leadership Culture Survey and Print Survey.
The life of leaders and teams is not always a smooth ride
Enjoy our video…
Global Presence & Local Knowledge

Please click on the BIO to download a document with all detailled information
Central Office Team Coaching, Europe
E-mail: CentralOffice@TeamCoachingEurope.eu | Phone: +31 6 54792402
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Avignon, France
Barcelona, Spain
London, United Kingdom
Stockholm, Sweden
BergenStockholm, Normay
Worldwide Partners
Istanbul, Turkey
Toronto, Canada
Sausalito, USA
Minneapolis, USA
Santiago, Chile
Shanghai, China
Sydney, Australia

Companies that have worked with us